A Roadmap to Treating Myofascial Dysfunction
Integrative Myofascial Acupuncture (IMA) is a comprehensive treatment strategy aimed at identifying and resolving dysfunctional movement and holding patterns which underly recurring pain and injury. This program will give you a clinical tool box and a methodology with which to apply them. The method is referred to as the Five R’s
- Reveal – identify the nature of the underlying dysfunctional holding pattern.
- Release – use specific techniques to disrupt this holding pattern.
- Reactivate – reinvigorate previously restricted areas of the body.
- Reintegrate – integrate the changes made in treatment into the global movements of the body.
- Re-evaluate – check your work to confirm that the treatment has been effective.
The tools you will learn are:
- Functional anatomy assessment – Joint range of motions, muscle synergist groups for basic movements.
- Myofascial needling - Detailed breakdowns of needling methods for every muscle in the synergist groups.
- Manual Muscle Testing – Hands on techniques for assessment and muscle activation.
- Therapeutic Exercise – Basic rehab exercises and integrative exercises based on natural human movements.